
Continuum is a database used by the NC Office of EMS to monitor and provide credentials to EMS personnel, ambulances, and EMS agencies.

The Continuum system tracks and documents EMS personnel education, credentials, disciplinary actions, and contact information. Grades from completed courses are posted within the system by instructors to be referenced by students, EMS agencies, and the state office. The system links with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) allowing background checks to be conducted daily on all personnel.

Continuum also stores ambulance permits, inspection information, and EMS agency permits. Within Continuum, hospital personnel can review vital patient care information from EMS patient care reports (PCR) and link the information to critical data registries such as Trauma and Stroke to improve the delivery of system-wide health care.

Public information can be accessed and viewed for verification of credentials by clicking on “Choose State Public Access: North Carolina” on the bottom of the logon page.

Continuum is always expanding its capabilities to allow for enhanced monitoring by the state regulatory offices.