12 Month Certificate Paramedic Program – Johnston Community College

This Paramedic Program is a 12-month program divided into two parts. The student will complete approximately 466 didactic (lecture) hours, 228 psychomotor lab (hands-on) hours and 504 clinical (field/hospital) hours within the class. Students will meet in person on a shift-friendly schedule, either Monday or Thursday 8:30am-5:30pm each week per the course schedule. The course includes occasional weekend and Friday classes per the course schedule.

This program meets the NCOEMS and National EMS Education Standards and AHA Guidelines. Upon successful completion of the program, the student will qualify to take the NC Office of EMS Paramedic credentialing exam and National Registry Paramedic exam. After reviewing this packet, if you have any questions, please contact Brittany Baker, Program Coordinator, at 919-464-2299 or bjbaker@johnstoncc.edu

Placement testing can be scheduled for those individuals who have not met the NCOEMS Requirement for completion of college level English and Math – email Brittany Baker at bjbaker@johnstoncc.edu for more information.

For more information or the application packet: https://www.johnstoncc.edu/programs/health-sciences/emergency-medical-science/ems-continuing-education/pre-hospital-credentials/emt-paramedic-pre-hospital.aspx

Start Date: 06/03/2024
End Date: 06/13/2025

Education Category: ALS
County: Statewide (No County)